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Eye Cataracts
Los Angeles

Eye Cataract Treatment in Los Angeles

Cataracts are one of the most common conditions in the world, affecting over 100 million people globally. It is the clouding of the eye’s natural lens and as a result of this, the patient experiences vision problems.

Eye cataract in Los Angeles is not painful and is treatable. Cataracts aren’t formed all of a sudden. They develop over the course of a few years. At first, cataracts may not cause any vision problems. However as they continue to develop, you may start to notice blurry vision that isn’t correctable with a new glasses prescription. Solutions are available; contact our office for information on our cataract treatments in Los Angeles.


What Are The Causes Of Eye Cataracts?

Cataracts are among the most common eye problems and are generally associated with aging. A cataract is the clouding of the lens inside the eye. This happens because as the lens inside of the eye continues to grow over a lifetime, it accumulates more proteins which are unable to shed. Thus, they cause the lens to become cloudier, and light has a harder time passing into the eye.

Untreated, cataracts can lead to difficulty reading, driving or engaging in other day-to-day activities. In severe cases, cataracts can even lead to blindness. The good news is that vision loss related to cataracts is reversible and there are options for cataract treatment in Los Angeles. Almost 25.7 million Americans 40 or older suffer from cataracts, and that number is expected to grow 50% by 2032.

Types of cataracts

Patients often experience three types of cataracts, depending on the region where cataracts form:

Nuclear Sclerotic Cataract
This cataract forms in the nucleus of the lens or the central part of the lens. This usually occurs due to aging and wear-and-tear of lens tissue. Here, the cataract starts forming right in the middle of the lens and begins to harden, forming a thick, yellow-colored layer on the lens.
This cataract takes years to develop and will require serious surgical intervention.

Cortical Cataract
The cortical cataract develops in the cortex of the lens – the outer edges of the lens. The cataract will start in the outer edge and extend to the center of the lens.

Posterior Subcapsular Cataract
In this condition, eye cataracts in Los Angeles form in the back surface of the lens and underneath the membrane that holds the lens. If there is bright lighting, this cataract can create halos around objects and letters, making it very difficult for the patient to focus. Usually, diabetics or those who take steroids have a posterior subcapsular cataract. It can develop in a few months and needs immediate treatment.

What Are The Symptoms of Cataracts?

  • Clouded, fuzzy, or blurry vision.
  • Sensitivity to lighting.
  • Poor night vision.
  • Halo-rings in the line of sight.
  • Double vision.
  • Changes in color.
  • Higher powered prescription.
  • Second sight.

Diagnosis and treatment of eye cataracts in Los Angeles

A physical examination of the eye can tell doctors if a person has cataracts. A reading test and slit lamp test may also be used to diagnose the condition.

Treatment entails cataract surgery. At Advanced Vision Care, we are highly experienced in conducting cataract surgery. We use state-of-the-art technology to provide a painless, quick and safe surgical outcome.

Can cataracts recur?

No, cataracts do not come back. This is because, during surgery, the affected part of the natural lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. This artificial lens cannot develop cataracts.

Meet Your Eye Cataract Doctors

At Advanced Vision Care in Los Angeles, our team of expert, board-certified ophthalmologists specialize in advanced cataract surgery, utilizing the latest techniques and technology.

Dr. Fram is a managing partner at Advanced Vision Care, and the co-fellowship director of the Masket Foundation. She studied at Thomas Jefferson University and did her residency at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia. Dr. Fram then completed her fellowship in Cornea, Refractive, and External Disease at UCSF Francis I. Proctor Foundation.

Dr. Bedrood is a fellowship trained and world-renowned glaucoma specialist who received her undergrad degree at UCLA. She then received her MD and PhD at the Keck School of Medicine at USC, and went on to complete a fellowship at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

Dr. Fram and Dr. Bedrood are dedicated to delivering exceptional results, combining precision and skill to enhance their patients’ vision and quality of life. For a personalized consultation, contact our office today.


get better vision today

At Advanced Vision Care, we have extensive experience treating eye cataracts in Los Angeles. We have developed the technical expertise and finesse to conduct eye cataract treatments with a safe, hassle-free, and quick manner.

Learn More About Cataract Treatment
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